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Introducing Speak Up Sister: The course which teaches you the mindset and communication hacks of a stage performer, to show up as the best version of yourself in business communication.

Do you feel frustrated with the way you hold yourself back from, or even sabotage, great opportunities – from networking events to prospective client pitches –  because your tongue gets tied?

Do you feel like you should be showing up more on camera on your socials, but the thought of it makes your stomach churn?

Do you suspect that you could be so much more successful, if you could just stop feeling so nervous about talking to people about what you do? 

Do you look back on the opportunities that could have been opened up, if only you’d been able to articulate the value you could bring?

Small biz and entrepreneurship takes passion, determination and… communication. If you aren’t able to feel relaxed, calm and confident when you speak, then you’ll only ever be experiencing mediocre results. Missing out on clients. Failing to connect with peers and mentors who could help you take your business to the next level. 

No matter how brilliant your product, service or idea is, without the confidence to speak effectively about your work, you will always feel frustrated by your lack of success. But… it does NOT need to be that way.

There is GREAT news! 

Speaking confidently is not a magical power only bestowed on a fortunate few. 

Sure, there are people who come out of the birth canal waxing lyrical, but they are anomalies. And usually… performers!

Performer skills and mindset are absolutely teachable! It IS a skill that you can master!

I’ve been a professional stand-up comedian for nearly two decades. And by that, I mean, it’s how I make my living. I don’t have a day job. 

All the time people ask me “How on earth do you do that? That’s terrifying! That’s my worst nightmare!” 

And the thing is… I love it, yes. But what I’ve realised about myself is that my superpower is my mindset. I have techniques – reliable techniques – that I use before, during, and after each and every speaking and performance opportunity I have. These techniques consistently let me get out of my own way when I’m in the spotlight, show up as the best possible version of myself in the moment, and learn from my mistakes along the way. 

They’ve allowed me to build a career out of performing comedy. 

And the best news of all… is that you do NOT need to even WANT to be a performer for these hacks to help you. 

You don’t even need to ever WANT to set foot on a stage! (If you do, then you’ll get a whole other level of enjoyment out of this course, but it’s absolutely not a requirement). 

But I’m telling you, the skills I have developed as a PERFORMER have been the skills and mindset that have helped me succeed in BUSINESS.

“But Jen,” you say. 

“You remember my name!” I say back.

“But Jen,” you continue, ignoring my ridiculousness, “I don’t want to be a speaker! I don’t need to speak to big groups of people.” 

“Ah, my young Padawan,” I say.

You leave…

“Come back!” I say. “I won’t call you Padawan again!”

You do.

You see, if it were only the public speakers and the performers in the world who needed to be able to communicate well, then my goodness, we’d have a damn awkward world on our hands.

Think about it. 

The most successful people in business? Know how to speak about what they’re doing. 

You have to speak to your staff.
You have to meet people at networking events.
You have to pitch new clients.
You have to pitch existing clients.
You have to show up on zoom meetings.
You have to create content for your social media channels.
You have to present an idea at a meeting.
You have to give a speech at an event.

And on… and on… and on…

The ability to stay calm, relaxed, friendly, confident, while speaking to other people – including an audience full of strangers, in my case – is a game changer.

And I can help you do it too.

Section 5: Introducing… my product

A connection is being felt and they have a sense of who you are, now introduce them to the product that is going to solve their problems. It is time to introduce your course and let them know how much it is going to help them.

Donec volutpat molestie mi aliquet tincidunt. Nam elementum, felis et pharetra maximus, ex orci vehicula augue, eleifend gravida diam magna in turpis. Phasellus at egestas felis, id aliquam turpis. Aenean varius fermentum dignissim. Donec sit amet eros lectus. Nullam sed turpis tempor, congue urna et, lobortis nisi. Nunc pharetra venenatis tortor id cursus. Etiam condimentum lectus et vulputate maximus. Aliquam vitae lobortis lectus. Suspendisse sit amet libero venenatis, laoreet elit id, tincidunt sapien.

Section 6: How the course works

Now their interest is really piqued so naturally, they will be wanting to know more. So give details. Go through what is included for them in your course, and detail the framework or structure of the product.

The Performer Mindset

Fear Busters – reframing failure and overcoming the worst case scenario

Mental Agility and Going With The Flow

The Professional Performative Preparation Pack

Performance Skill Hacks

Confidence Hacks 101

Video content step by step instructional education inspirational

worksheets workbooks questions surveys

practical exercises strategies tips processes

Nulla imperdiet, erat eu accumsan pellentesque, libero ipsum commodo urna, nec fermentum ex ipsum in eros. Sed ullamcorper sapien nec interdum rutrum. Duis ut metus finibus ex placerat luctus. Nulla imperdiet, erat eu accumsan pellentesque, libero ipsum commodo urna, nec fermentum ex ipsum in eros. Sed ullamcorper sapien nec interdum rutrum. Duis ut metus finibus ex placerat luctus.

Section 7: Your life before and after

Once they have an idea of how your course actually works, make things more personal. Show their life before your program and after taking it. Paint the picture of where they are now and where they will be after completing your course. Show them the transformation, comparing it to their pain points.

Sed eu est dui. Cras id nulla sed elit laoreet tempor. Sed pulvinar sem ut eros venenatis, aliquam ornare massa molestie. Curabitur at lacus sed urna commodo mattis sit amet non sem. Aliquam congue eu dui vitae tincidunt. Maecenas consequat dignissim dui, eu sodales enim auctor sit amet. Cras eleifend viverra enim sit amet auctor. Sed elementum leo et metus consequat gravida.

Section 8: Deal sweetener

So they know who you are, that you’ll solve their problems and the cool inclusions of your course. Now name the thing that will really get them over the line. They have seen all this value and then they get THIS too? Turn that “ooh I want this” into an “oh my god, I NEED this!”

Sed eu est dui. Cras id nulla sed elit laoreet tempor. Sed pulvinar sem ut eros venenatis, aliquam ornare massa molestie. Curabitur at lacus sed urna commodo mattis sit amet non sem. Aliquam congue eu dui vitae tincidunt. Maecenas consequat dignissim dui, eu sodales enim auctor sit amet. Cras eleifend viverra enim sit amet auctor. Sed elementum leo et metus consequat gravida.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus condimentum augue purus, a aliquam libero interdum et. Praesent blandit elementum purus, sed facilisis velit.

Aenean augue purus, lacinia quis leo id, porta vulputate felis. Cras tempor euismod leo, vel rutrum dui efficitur in. Sed porta cursus neque sed facilisis.

Sed vel tristique arcu, vitae faucibus tortor. Donec vel nisl tristique diam gravida euismod. Donec posuere et sem vel lobortis. Nulla elementum commodo scelerisque.

Section 9: Opt-in

Here is where they put down their name to your waitlist. Clearly explain how they can join your waitlist/apply for your course. Let them know how your waitlist works, explain the urgency and include a link or form to join.

Cras eleifend viverra enim sit amet auctor. Sed elementum leo et metus consequat gravida.

Sed eu est dui. Cras id nulla sed elit laoreet tempor. Sed pulvinar sem ut eros venenatis, aliquam ornare massa molestie. Curabitur at lacus sed urna commodo mattis sit amet non sem. Aliquam congue eu dui vitae tincidunt. Maecenas consequat dignissim dui, eu sodales enim auctor sit amet. Cras eleifend viverra enim sit amet auctor. Sed elementum leo et metus consequat gravida.

Section 10: FAQ’s

Directly after your opt-in, should be FAQs. If they didn’t put their name down, it’s likely because they still have questions. So here’s the perfect place to overcome objections. Use this opportunity to combat excuses and highlight extra benefits of your course.

Got questions?

I don’t want to be a professional speaker,

That’s not a question, but ok…

How long will it take to finish the programme?

Nam elementum, felis et pharetra maximus, ex orci vehicula augue, eleifend gravida diam magna in turpis.

How much of my time am I committing here?

Nulla sagittis a nunc sit amet malesuada.

I’m not comfortable on camera, can I still take part?

Sed pulvinar sem ut eros venenatis, aliquam ornare massa molestie. Curabitur at lacus sed urna commodo mattis sit amet non sem.

Will I actually get it finished?

Morbi consectetur quis dolor in semper. In tincidunt justo enim, vel convallis nunc rutrum non. Nam at mattis mi, non finibus lacus.

Can I ask you specific questions?

Donec eu tellus risus. Donec enim nulla, blandit a tellus luctus, tincidunt bibendum turpis. Fusce non urna quam.

What happens at the end? Am I on my own?!

No… Vestibulum feugiat facilisis metus, a eleifend risus malesuada et. Etiam pretium, ligula sit amet blandit mattis, augue lectus laoreet turpis, in maximus quam purus at metus. Proin in libero ipsum.

Section 11: Feedback

Include some feedback that you’ve had from other students (or clients) that specifically showcase the transformation they will get. Reviews/social proof is really powerful. It is one thing to tell someone all the benefits you provide, but a rave review from a student is 10 x more powerful.

I loved this course. Jenny is a fantastic teacher. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus condimentum augue purus, a aliquam libero interdum et.
I loved this course. Jenny is a fantastic teacher. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus condimentum augue purus, a aliquam libero interdum et.
I loved this course. Jenny is a fantastic teacher. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus condimentum augue purus, a aliquam libero interdum et.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Suspendisse pharetra arcu non suscipit lacinia.

Praesent feugiat purus a nunc semper, eget mollis .

urna consectetur

Nullam congue odio sit amet varius hendrerit.

In posuere tortor a quam maximus suscipit.

Ut in ex ut erat pharetra hendrerit dapibus sed risus.

Suspendisse a ex tristique, consequat erat eget, egestas est.

vulputate mollis.

Suspendisse pharetra arcu non suscipit lacinia.

Praesent feugiat purus a nunc semper, eget mollis .

Nullam congue odio sit amet varius hendrerit.

In posuere tortor a quam maximus suscipit.

Ut in ex ut erat pharetra hendrerit dapibus sed risus.

Suspendisse a ex tristique, consequat erat eget, egestas est.

Jenny Wynter

I loved this course. It was amazing >>.

I loved this course. It was amazing. Jenny gave me all the skills I could ever need and now I’m taking on Oprah at her own game. I love you Jenny.

Betty White

I loved this course. It was amazing. >>

I loved this course. It was amazing. Jenny gave me all the skills I could ever need and now I’m taking on Oprah at her own game. I love you Jenny.

Bobby McGee

I loved this course. It was amazing. >>

I loved this course. It was amazing. Jenny gave me all the skills I could ever need and now I’m taking on Oprah at her own game. I love you Jenny.

Section 12: You’d be a great fit if…

Call out exactly who your course is made for by listing things that would make someone an ideal candidate. This answers the question “is this course for me?”. Assure your person that they’re in the exact right place and are welcome and encouraged to be here, because you understand who they are and what they are struggling with.

You have to speak to your staff.

You have to meet people at networking events.

You have to pitch new clients.

You have to pitch existing clients.

You have to show up on zoom meetings.

You have to create content for your social media channels.

You have to present an idea at a meeting.

You have to give a speech at an event.

Section 13: Final Push 

If they haven’t put their name down by now, this is the time to get more assertive and clear on your call to action. This should be the most assertive language you use and highlight the biggest pain points you solve, the best parts of the transformation & remind them of the urgency. This is the final push to catch any uncertain stragglers.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras pellentesque dapibus augue, a scelerisque erat suscipit a. Phasellus cursus tortor vel risus dapibus, at dignissim erat pharetra. Suspendisse imperdiet aliquet augue id tincidunt.

Sed turpis eros, tristique a nulla luctus, venenatis laoreet arcu. Nulla non vestibulum tellus. Nam nec sollicitudin lectus. Curabitur porttitor orci at purus scelerisque efficitur. Fusce nec enim ut dui auctor tempus vel et justo.

Vivamus faucibus erat non varius varius. Quisque non auctor neque.

Suspendisse et semper orci.

Here comes the science

Stand-up comedy teaches you to connect with your audience: Performers have to engage their audience to be successful. They need to make their audience laugh and keep them engaged throughout their performance. This means they have to be able to read their audience and adjust their material accordingly. Learning how to connect with an audience is a crucial part of public speaking, and studying stand-up comedy can help you develop this skill. (Reference: Hambrick, D. C., & Amabile, T. M. (1996). Measuring creativity: The relevance of craft versus art. Academy of Management Journal, 39(2), 396-416.)

Performing teaches you to think on your feet: Stand-up comedians have to be able to think on their feet and come up with witty responses to unexpected situations. This means they have to be quick-witted and adaptable, which are essential skills for public speaking. Learning how to improvise and adapt to unexpected situations can help you become more confident in your ability to handle any situation that might arise during a speech. (Reference: Puccio, G. J., & Cabra, J. F. (2010). Applied creativity: An introduction. Creative Education Foundation Press.)

Stand-up comedy teaches you to use humor effectively: Performers are experts in using humor to connect with their audience and make their material more engaging. Learning how to use humor effectively can help you become a more engaging speaker and build rapport with your audience. Humor can also be an effective tool for dealing with nerves and reducing anxiety during public speaking. (Reference: Martin, R. A. (2007). The psychology of humor: An integrative approach. Elsevier Academic Press.)

Stand-up comedy teaches you to take risks: Stand-up comedians have to be willing to take risks with their material and try new things. They need to be willing to experiment and take chances in order to find what works best for them. Learning how to take risks can help you become more confident in your ability to take on new challenges and try new things in your public speaking. (Reference: Kaufman, J. C., & Beghetto, R. A. (2009). Beyond big and little: The four c model of creativity. Review of General Psychology, 13(1), 1-12.)